Memorial Weekend Campout
Well I think everyone survived the weekend,(Some more than others).
The club had a good turn out about 20 people show up for the weekend,Some camped out on Friday and the rest came into camp on Saturday.
After setting up camp about 5pm we all decided to go on a night trail ride down to the Verde river.So far so good but after a while I discovered the Toyota had a bad fan that keeped blowing fuses resulting in overheating, A few fuses later we arrived at the river a few brave souls decided to chance the water a few more thought fishing would be good so after hanging there for a bit we decided to head back to camp, Dave wanted to find a better way so he headed out to search while we all played, Then we heard on the CB (I got a flat) So we packed up and went to help out,
We got back to the campsite a few hours later.
Dave had brought a bunch of wood from his shed and we had a fire pit going everyone sat around and shot the bull.
Saturday morning came and a few more members arrived so after breakfast we headed back down to the river, Swimsuits, fishing poles, We were ready for the day.
We did not have any problems until we arrived at the river, There was a sand pit that appealed to everyone so we had to play a bit, A couple of vehicles did not make it through so break out the tow straps.
When we got to the river we all had a good time swimming,fishing and just hanging out. Saturday night a few of us went on a night ride for about two hours no major problems or stuck vehicles,Then back to the camp for a good supper and fire.
Sunday we went to the river and zeke decided to go play in the mud,well we had to get him out, Then Scott went to far in the water and had to get pulled out (I remember those days).Dave and myself went to the cliffs and dived off what a feeling.
We went back to the campsite with only one problem seems someone's wheel fell off.
We ate rattlesnake.
Monday came and it was time to pull out so we packed up and then Daves steering broke.After three hours of fixing that we
I discovered that the Toyota had a broken starter and had to pull start it to get it loaded. were ready to go,dave and charley left ahead since he had to drive slow (long way to go).
Weekend Highlights
1.Jeff overheated Toyota 2.Dave Flat Tire 3. Bill&Jeff stuck in sand pit 4.Jeff drive shaft fell off 5.Zeke Stuck in river 6.Scott stuck in river 7.Jeff tire fell off 8.Dave steering broke 9.Jeff starter fell apar
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